My Writings

These are some of my professional and/or academic writings. You can find the detailed instructions (written by my professor) of the projects by clicking any of these links: Click any box to view the writing in pdf format...

Project Proposal for E-Portfolio: In this project, I used my professor's instructions to familiarize myself with E-portfolios and to research and plan for the final E-portfolio assignment (the website you are viewing now) to compile and prepare an e-portfolio which now records my academic and professional achievements. In conclusion, I decided to use Netlify for hosting this website. Moreover, I built this website from scratch to not only have more control over the design and layout of the website but also to showcase my web developing and web designing skills
Technical Writing: Problem Description and Research : In this assignment, I wrote a problem description with annotated list Of references in the Memo genre form. This technical writing assignment provided the necessary background context and research for the next Technical Writing Assignment which took the form of a Recommendation Report. After days of research, I chose the problem of the lack of financial literacy among K12 (middle school and high school) Ontario students. My intended audience for this project was the Minister of Education of Ontario
Technical Writing: Documenting Solutions : In this assignment, I wrote a Recommendations or Feasibility Report providing the solutions to the previous assignment (Technical Writing: Problem Description and Research) in the Memo genre form. This technical writing assignment built on background context and research that I gathered previously to suggest possible solutions to Increase the financial literacy of students. I then used a decision matrix to weigh the proposed solutions based on the requirements (Inclusiveness, Age-Appropriateness, Relevance and Cost) and gave my final recommendation which was to create a Couching program with personalized contents and to Including a mandatory financial literacy instruction course at every grade level(kindergarten to grade 12)